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Belarus and Republic of Korea

Belarus and Republic of Korea are intensifying the cooperation

Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Nikolai Borisevich met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to our country Tae Joon reports.

Current issues of Belarusian-Korean cooperation in the political, trade and economic spheres, as well as practical steps to enhance bilateral cooperation were discussed at the meeting.

Special attention was paid to the organization of meetings of the joint committee of Belarus and the Republic of Korea, the Belarusian-Korean Business Cooperation Council, and the practical content of cooperation within the framework of the "New Northern Policy" (this policy is a set of measures to enhance economic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the states and integration associations of the Eurasian region, including the EAEU).

In addition, the parties discussed preparations for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which will be celebrated in 2022.

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