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Belarus developed 26 standards for environment friendly packaging

Since 2020, Belarus has developed 26 state standards for environment friendly packaging that are identical to international requirements, BELTA writes.

Of these, 8 standards have been put into effect since April 1, 2021, aimed at ensuring the biodegradability of plastics in various conditions. By September 2022, 18 more standards will be introduced, including standards for reusable packaging for the transportation of products.

To develop the production of packaging that is recyclable, 15 standards are being developed for glass packaging, paper bags, garbage bags.

The program of development of state standards of Belarus in the field of establishing requirements for environmentally safe packaging and methods of its testing began in 2020. In total, 41 standards will be developed for methods of biodegradability control, multi-turn packaging, recycled plastics, glass and paper packaging, as well as standards for establishing environmental aspects.

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