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Belarus in the top 20 tourist destinations in 2020

The French publication Le Figaro has compiled a list of countries that advises its readers to visit this year, reports Along with such exotic destinations as Madagascar, Cook Islands, Sumatra and Barbados, there are also such options as Georgia, Slovenia, Italy and... Belarus. "We could call it the Sleeping beauty of Europe," the newspaper said. 

As an illustration of the Belarusian nature, the French give a photo from the Braslav lakes, accompanied by the caption: "a Third of Belarus is covered with forests, which are one of the last primary forests in Europe." A separate note is a recommendation to visit our country in the period from may to October.

Le Figaro also highly appreciated the architectural richness of Minsk and the opportunity to enjoy real nature: "There are extensive national parks where lynx, brown bears, grouse and wolves live."