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Belarus is the country that knows how to make Hardware

Belarusian instrument making is one of the most interesting and at the same time the least known sectors of the economy.

According To the Association "Innovative instrumentation", the industry includes about 150 companies, more than 70% of whose products are exported. And the share of high-tech products in the total volume of their production exceeds 50%.

Industry participants believe that the Belarusian instrument industry has serious growth prospects, including in the world markets. But in order to unlock the potential of the industry, certain conditions are necessary. To solve this problem, the Association "Innovative instrument-making" initiated the development of an industry development strategy, within which a study of instrument-making companies was recently launched. However, some factors that have an impact on the development of the industry are obvious before the results of the study appear. One of the most serious is the personnel problem.

Today, the achievements of Belarusian engineers have almost been pushed out of the public consciousness. Very few people know that Belarusian companies successfully operate in international markets, and some of them even occupy a leading position. Among such companies - "Polimaster", which produces radiation monitoring devices, "Regula", which specializes in devices to verify the authenticity of passports and bills, "Izovak", which produces equipment for creating displays IPhone and Android, and others. These companies are often referred to as" hidden Champions " because they are world leaders in their niche but are not publicly known. The lack of fame and played a cruel joke with them: young people today aspire to IT, but few of the current students think that you can solve interesting problems and make good money in Hardware-companies, reports