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Belarus proposes to Russia to restore air traffic

The Belarusian authorities have raised again the issue of restoring transport communication with Russia, Onliner reports. A detailed plan to resume flights will be considered in the near future.

Recently, the representatives of Russia and Belarus met and reached the agreement on the phased resumption of communication between the countries. The Belarusian side has already prepared for Russia a detailed action plan for the gradual restoration of transport communication. Now the Belarusian authorities are awaiting a similar plan from Russia.

The final plan to resume communication between Russia and Belarus will be formed based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Belarus and Rospotrebnadzor.

So far, the specific dates of the first flights between the countries are unknown. In the near future, a new meeting is expected between the parties, where a final document on the restoration of transport communication will be adopted.

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