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Belarus will reduce oil export duties in 2022

Export duties on oil and petroleum products exported outside the EEU will be reduced in Belarus from January reports.

This is provided by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 758 of December 27, 2021, which is officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal and comes into force on January 1, 2022.

Duties on crude oil, fuel oil, petroleum bitumen, petroleum jelly and paraffin, spent petroleum products have been reduced. They are reduced by $30.8 to $46.7 per ton.

The duty rate on straight-run gasoline has been reduced by $17 to $25.6 per ton.

The export of gasoline, diesel fuel, light and medium distillates, benzene, toluene, xylenes and lubricating oils now costs $14 per ton, which is $ 9.2 less than in December.

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