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Belarusian cheeses were certified with Superior Taste Awards

In Brussels, the results of the international certification Superior Taste Awards, held in May in the UAE, were announced. The jury evaluated several Belarusian cheeses and yogurt, Kaktutzhit reported.

The jury of the Superior Taste Awards included chefs and sommeliers from 20 countries, holders of Michelin stars and Chef of the Year titles according to Gault & Millau.

Here are the Belarusian products that received stars from the jury:

  • yogurt TEOS (3 stars)
  • cottage cheese "Creamy" SVEŽA (3 stars)
  • Brest-Litovsk aged extra cheese (2 stars)
  • processed cream cheese "Laskovoje leto" (1 star)



Stars are awarded based on the evaluation of such product characteristics as appearance, smell, taste and texture.

Let us remind you that the Vulitsa Ezha street food festival will be held in Minsk.

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