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Belarusian Football Championship 2020 will be held as planned

The spread of the pandemic and the increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus have brought about that almost all large-scale events around the world have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely. However, according to, Belarusian Championship is going to be held as planned, and at the moment it is the only football contest in the world.

The frightening dynamics of the growth of coronavirus victims has forced governments around the world to postpone mass events to prevent large crowds in one place. All countries of Europe, Asia and Africa cancelled their football contests, and today Australia has joined this list.

Nevertheless, both football and hockey contests is continuing to be held in Belarus with spectators. The second round of Belarusian Football Championship is scheduled for 27-29th of March 2020.

In addition, it is still under consideration whether Olympic Games in Tokyo will be held this year.

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