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Belarusian Gennady Korotkevich for the first time in the history of Topcoder Open won in two tracks

Topcoder Open 2019 was held on November 13-16 in Houston, Texas, where development and design professionals from around the world compete. PhD student of ITMO University Gennady Korotkevich became the first who managed to win two of the six tracks in the individual competition.

Topcoder Open is an annual programming tournament held by Topcoder Corporation since 2001. The company organizes individual online competitions as well as regional stages in order to expand the community.

TopCoder Open includes 6 competitions: Algorithm, Development, First2Finish, UI Design, UI Prototype and Marathon. After completing the online stages, the winners with the most points are determined for each of the tracks.

The winner of various awards of top competitions for programmers Gennady Korotkevich acted in tracks Algorithm and Marathon — and became the strongest in both, reports.