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Belarusian Language Week to be held in Belarus

The Belarusian State University will host a week of the Belarusian language from February 21 to 25, BELTA writes.

Lectures and meetings with philologists and academics will be held at the university. The staff of the Belarusian Linguistics Department of BSU will give lectures and talks on topical issues of the functioning of the language at various faculties.

The Belarusian language is one of the oldest Slavic languages. The fixation of its features dates back to 1229 year. Now the Belarusian literary language is used much less than Russian. But interest in the language is growing among young people and among schoolchildren.

Belarusian is taught in educational institutions in Austria, Germany and other European countries. Foreigners then come to Belarus for an internship or participate in international projects.

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