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Belarusian sambo wrestlers have won 21 awards at the European Open Cup

The Open European Sambo Cup was held in Belarus at the Chizhovka Arena, the website of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism writes. The participants received prizes from the President of Belarus.

Belarusians Vladimir Zhupikov, Maria Kondratieva and Alyona Kupava won gold. Belarusians also took 3 silver medals. Bronze medals were awarded to 15 Belarusian athletes.

In total, 140 athletes from 11 countries took part in the tournament. They were from Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

In the status of the Open European Cup, the sambo tournament was held in Minsk for the first time. Previously, it was held as the open championship of Belarus, the World Cup stage and the international tournament of the category for the prizes of the President of Belarus. This year the competitions are held for the 26th time. The first competitions were held in 1997.

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