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Belarusian scientists have developed the world's first year-round atmospheric lidar

Belarusian scientists have invented a year-round lidar to study the atmosphere in Antarctica, reports

"This year we have completed the development of the device, the so-called atmospheric lidar container type. At the end of the year, presumably, it will be delivered to Antarctica. The device will help our scientists conduct atmospheric research. This will be the world's first year-round lidar. This is a development of the Institute of physics, which is in demand all over the world: in Russia, in China, and in European countries. We have great authority in this area," Maxim Bogdanovich said. The Institute of physics is one of the initiators of the European lidar network, which includes several dozen lidar stations and helps to assess the transport of pollutants in the atmosphere. Almost every such station has software developed by Belarusian scientists.