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Belarusian startup with an estimate of $5 million got to the top of the best in Europe

According to, a Belarusian startup to create interactive games from video and streams FerretVideo received the Continental Sport Tech Startup Challenge award. The project was among the 14 best European startups introducing new technologies in sports.FerretVideo was nominated by eSports holding Winstrike for the award, said the co-founder of the startup Elena Zabolotskaya.

- Winstrike has its own Dota team. And there's a marketing Agency that sells ad integrations on content that the Winstrike team generates. What does it look like in practice? A brand can place its logo on the jerseys that players will wear during streaming. Or purchased advertising on sites where players will stream. But the problem of such sites is that the audience severely ban all advertising. And it turns out that the brand paid money for advertising, but 60% of the audience does not see it at all. In addition, it is not clear whether the advertised brand somehow managed to interest the remaining 40% of the audience.

So Winstrike started looking for an alternative. We made a game based on a Piece of Dota,branding it for the company AXE. In the game it was necessary to catch creeps (representatives of the forces of Light and Darkness). The system analyzed the reaction rate and hit accuracy. At the end, the player was given a promo code, which could be used to get a gift when shopping in the AXE store. The conversion was high.