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Belarusians are offered not to leave the country, but to earn distantly

Igor Mamonenko, director of BelHard group of companies, presented the it project “it-country” 10 years ago. The aim of the project is to make Belarus an advanced IT country. By 2035, it is planned to involve up to 50% of the economically active population in the information economy. GDP should reach $ 200 billion by this year.

Speaking at the" it-forum " in Minsk, Mamonenko cited as an example the trend of recent years-the active introduction of the practice of remote work around the world. In the US and Japan, 37% and 32% of citizens work remotely.

He also drew attention to the fact that in total there are more than 100 million labor and high-paying jobs in the world today. In Mamonenko's opinion, this is a good opportunity for the regions of our country, where people lose their jobs and have low salaries, reports.