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Belarusians captured the top of Russian Apple Music in 2019

In the top 100 most popular songs among Russians this year in Apple Music tracks by Tima Belorusskikh, Max Korzh, LSP and CYGO were included, reports. Most often Timofey Morozov (Tima Belorusskikh) is mentioned in the rating. His tracks "Forget-me-not", "Wet crosses", "Vitamin", "I won't write anymore", "Find you" and "Trains" placed on the 4th, 6th, 8th and 24th, 84th and 94th lines of the rating. 

Max Korzh also got into the rating. His track "Blackmail" was at number 40, "Two types of people" at number 55, and "Knee-high Mountains" at number 79.

Track LSP, Egor Creed and Feduk "Bachelor" is located on the 59th place, and CYGO Panda E-on the 72nd.