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Belarusians demand to end use animals for entertainment

Back in 2017, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection suggested a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. The issue needs to be addressed at the legislative level – this is the department’s response to the petition, which was signed by 10,000 people, reports

In November 2019, an appeal to stop using animals as entertainment thus banning circuses and animal attractions was published on the website. The proposal was signed by 10, 420 people and sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources, which indicated in its reply that it supports the proposal but there is a “but”.

The Ministry of Natural Resources explained that the issue of handling animals (both domestic and wild) in cultural and entertainment events (contact and mobile zoos, circuses) “does not belong to the field of conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of the animal world in natural ecological systems,” regulated by the law “On the animal world”.

Therefore, this issue must be resolved by developing the long-overdue law “On the treatment of animals.” The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and members of parliament are responsible for this matter.