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"Belavia" is going to restore full lunches

The national air carrier intends to significantly reduce ticket prices and restore full reports.

Passengers of Belavia planes noticed that the food during flights on airliners has become poorer.

According to Vladimir Barkun, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Foreign Economic Activity of Belavia, the changes are related to the safety requirements associated with the coronavirus. Now on the flights of the Belarusian carrier in economy class, food is provided in individual packages: sandwiches, drinks.

– This is done in order to minimize the contact between the conductors and passengers, - Barkun said.

He added that those who fly business class were not affected by these restrictions – their food remained full. The representative of the airline noted that in the near future, economy class passengers will be returned to their usual diet.

– The situation is improving, it is becoming more controlled in terms of the fact that all passengers on board have a negative PCR test, more and more people are being vaccinated. The company sees an opportunity to return to the traditional full-fledged on-board power supply. We plan to do this in the near future, -  Vladimir Barkun said.

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