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BelVitunifarm: Innovations in vaccinology and the future of production

On December 27, 2023, the Belarusian "BelKovidVak" was registered after successfully passing all clinical trials, Belarus Today writes.

In March 2021, at the height of the pandemic, the President assigned scientists to create a Belarusian vaccine against coronavirus, stressing that this is a matter of honor for the Ministry of Health and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. After intensive work by scientists, the first vaccine sample was created in May 2021.

BelVitunifarm, the leader in vaccine production in Belarus, continues to innovate, modernizing its production to create various vaccines, including plasmid and monoclonal variants. Full quality control of the drug "BelKovidVak" exceeds world standards by 30%. The company is also actively developing a scientific school of clinical vaccinology.

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