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Biblionight will be held in Minsk libraries

On Friday, April 29, from 7pm to 11pm, an international campaign Biblionight in support of reading will be held in seven libraries in Minsk, writes. Admission is free everywhere. 

National Library

Address: Prospekt Niezalieznasci 116

Subject: NLB. The energy of the future. 

There will be quests, a chess and checkers tournament, board games, a performance by the folk band Guda, a literary quiz based on fantasy, illusion shows, a musical and literary lounge and more.


Minsk Regional Pushkin Library

Address: Gikaly Street 4

There will be a ball of the Pushkin era: performances of musical groups, movies, board games and master classes in folk crafts.


Yanka Kupala Central Library

Address: Viery Charuzaj Street 16

An authentic festival will be held here with a musical program from the Lumiere Tales group, a projection light show and master classes.


Yakub Kolas Library No. 7

Address: Pliachanava Street 97/4


Medical Library of Academy of Sciences

Address: Fabrycyusa Street 28


Agricultural Library of Academy of Sciences

Address: Kazintsa Street 86/2


Children's Library No. 5

Address: Rusijanava Street 48

The event will last from 6pm to 9pm.                                                   


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