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3D printing

Bio-ink for 3D-printing

Belarusian scientists are working on the creation of bio-ink for 3D-printing of bone tissue, reports

The development of 3D printing technology plays an important role in the medical care of the population. At the moment, Belarusian scientists are developing bio-ink from calcium phosphate compositions to restore damaged tissues in the human body. The new development will help to heal bone damage using minimal money and physical costs.

This development will be a joint work of Belarusian and Russian scientists. Work on the creation of universal bio-ink is carried out on the basis of the National Academy of Sciences in Minsk.

In addition, at the moment, Belarusian scientists are engaged in the creation of respiratory protective equipment, the modification of non-woven materials, the development of materials for cleaning water, the processing of liquid radioactive waste and the search for new types of mineral fertilizers for the soil.

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