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BSU scientists are developing device for forest diagnostics

Scientists of the Belarusian State University are developing a device for remote monitoring of the forest. It will help to assess damage to coniferous and mixed forests by pests, the university's website writes. Recently, a textbook on children's infectious diseases published by the Gomel Medical University received an award from the Association of Book Publishers of Russia.

The development consists of a video spectral sensor on a drone, laboratory equipment and data processing programs. Thanks to observations, it will be possible to localize the foci of diseases of coniferous trees in the early stages of pest damage and prevent massive damage to the forest.

Work on the hardware and software complex has been underway since 2020. The first prototype of the device has successfully passed tests, according to the results of which it was possible to recognize the damaged areas of the forest site.

Now scientists are faced with the task of facilitating the model of a video spectral sensor and updating data processing techniques. The development received a Grant from the President of Belarus in the field of science for 2022.

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