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BSU scientists developed a drug against cancer cells

The scientific team of physicists, chemists and biologists of BSU has developed a drug for photodynamic therapy of oncological diseases. The drug has already passed preclinical studies. The Minsk-News agency explained how it affects the tissues.

The drug is administered intravenously and destroys cancer cells under the influence of light of a certain spectrum. Thus, there is a point effect on the affected tissues, which avoids surgical intervention and preserves the integrity of the organs. The development is focused on larger tumors and can be used for malignant neoplasms that are not amenable to surgical treatment.

In addition to the medicine, the laboratory staff created a spectrometer to determine the accumulation of photosensitizer and laser sources for irradiating tumor tissues.

The drug is awaiting clinical trials, after which it can be used in medical institutions in Belarus.

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