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BSU students developed an app to motivate students

Now, the concept of the Child Ed App for elementary and middle school students has been fully developed, the website of the Belarusian State University writes. The functionality of the app is similar to the reward system that is used in elementary school.

The application is connected to the electronic academic diary system. For marking and completing additional tasks, the student receives a certain amount of game currency Ed Coins. It can be used for the development of a cartoon character, which students will create based on Memoji technologies. These are 3D avatars; they can be made to look like themselves.

In the future, it is planned to introduce the function of transferring coins earned in the game to discounts when paying for educational courses and programs, entertainment quizzes and quests.

Now the team is investigating the features of the consumer, work is underway to create a prototype application. The development has already been highly appreciated by experts, having won the Space HACKATHON 1.0 Forum.

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