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BSU will cooperate with National Traffic Exchange Center

A memorandum of intent on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies was signed between the Belarusian State University and The National Traffic Exchange Center, the university's website writes. The ceremony took place on March 25.

The University and the Traffic Exchange Center will jointly develop training programs and courses to improve the level of digital literacy of employees in the field of public administration and economics. This will allow to form the skills on electronic marketing and government. And also to digitalize agriculture, chemical and other industries.

BSU has extensive experience in the field of digital economy. In 2018, a digital transformation strategy was developed, which made it possible to modernize the main business processes, the university's Internet sites, and introduce paperless technologies. This led to cost savings and optimization of the certification process.

In 2021, BSU and the Belarusian State University of Economics developed and implemented a new discipline on Digital World Economy.

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