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Charters from Belarus to Jordan will be launched from September 3

From September 3, Belarusian tour operators have been launching charters to Jordan. The flights will connect Minsk with the resort city reports.

The tour operator plans nine flights for September – November 2021 for nine nights. A big plus is the opportunity to relax on two seas — the Red and the Dead.

The travel companies explain that they have already flown to Jordan before, it's just that it has never been a mass destination.

To enter Jordan, you will need a PCR test made 72 hours before the trip and another one after arrival (it costs about $40, you need to pay online before arrival). Children under the age of 5 are exempt from providing a certificate.

Those who have been vaccinated can simply show a certificate of vaccination.

Belarusians can travel to Jordan without a pre-issued visa and get it free of charge upon arrival.

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