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тихий океан

Disaster in the Pacific Ocean

In the Pacific Ocean near Kamchatka (Russian Federation), there was a leak of some poisonous substance. Large-scale ocean pollution has killed the inhabitants of the seabed.

More than 40 kilometers of the Pacific Ocean along the coast from Cape Nalychev to Avacha Bay became a victim of poisoning. Fish, octopuses, starfish and other inhabitants of sea waters died in a few days. A huge number of dead sea inhabitants appeared with waves on the coast of the Kamchatka Territory.

The first suspicions that something was wrong with the water along the coast appeared several weeks ago. Tourists and surfers noted that after a long stay near water vision disappears, mouth becomes dry and swelling in the throat begins. The water tastes bitter, not salty.

At the moment, it is only known that the amount of oil products in the water exceeds the norm.

Greenpeace has already called the situation an "environmental disaster."

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