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Dormitory with a terrace and vertical landscaping will be built in Minsk

A dormitory for students of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture will be built near the Minsk Arena, writes with reference to the Minsk-News agency.

The dormitory will have 14 standard floors, designed for 700 people. The campus will not have a main facade. The building will have a monolithic reinforced concrete frame with walls of expanded clay concrete blocks. The facade will be made of metal panels and glass. Each room will have windows with a height of at least 2 m.

Vertical landscaping along fire-fighting ladders will be made of climbing plants in pots. An outdoor terrace is planned on the west side of the facade. It will have rooms for wheelchair users.

Work on the project is planned to be completed in the summer. Construction will begin after passing the state examination.

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