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Economy of Belarus: results of the first half of 2020

Several months of a difficult epidemiological situation in Belarus and the political crisis led to an economic recession, reports. Experts say that achieving the 2019 indicators is no longer possible.

At the moment, the following changes in economic indicators have been recorded:

  • Decrease in GDP by 1.7% with the planned growth by 1.6%.
  • None of the regions fulfilled the plans for the growth of the gross regional product.
  • Pharmaceuticals - the leader in terms of production growth (+ 15.2%), oil refining - the largest decline in production (- 25.9%).
  • Exports of goods decreased by 19.4%, imports of goods - by 21.2%.
  • The amount of losses incurred by unprofitable enterprises increased by 5.7 times compared to 2019.

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