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Eight Belarusian IT companies were included in the top 100 best outsourcers in the world

Eight IT companies with Belarusian development offices were included in "The 2020 Global Outsourcing 100". This is a rating of the 100 best outsourcers in the world according to the International Association of outsourcing professionals (IAOP), reports

The main selection criteria were the company's profitability, team growth, the best projects, customer recommendations, the level of corporate social responsibility and innovation.

The top 100 best outsourcers included A1QA, Bell Integrator, Ciklum, IBA Group, Intetics, Itransition, iTechArt Group, Qulix.
The rating includes both large global companies represented in the "Leaders" category, as well as small, fast-growing firms with an annual income of less than $ 50 million and fewer than 5 thousand employees that are included in the "Rising stars"category.