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Exhibition on History of Medicine and Pharmacy will be held in Minsk

The exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Belpharmacia will open on March 16, 2022 in the National Library, BELTA writes.

The exhibition presents publications telling about the history and development of medicine and pharmacy in Belarus. And also about the medical culture of Belarus, which has absorbed the experience of medicine and pharmacy of various schools and countries. The sources are divided into four sections: medicine, pharmacy, the doctrine of medicines and medicinal plants.

The oldest exhibit is the book "Herbarium" by Peter Schaeffer from Mainz (Germany) in 1484. The book describes and illustrates 150 plants. The woodcuts are hand-painted.

The most significant publication on medicine is the "Salerno Code of Health", where the Spanish physician and alchemist Arnold from Villanova spoke in verse about proper nutrition and breaking of spells.

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