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Experts of the CIS countries will discuss cooperation in the military sphere in Minsk

The meeting of the expert group on approval of draft documents on cooperation in the military sphere will be held on January 29-30 at the CIS Executive Committee in Minsk, reports

The experts intend to consider two documents. The first of them is the draft Concept of military cooperation of the Commonwealth States until 2025. It was developed by the Secretariat of the Council of defense Ministers of the CIS countries and approved at a meeting of the Council in October 2019. The concept sets out a system of agreed views of the Commonwealth States on the goals, objectives, principles, main areas, forms and methods of developing military cooperation on a multilateral basis, as well as General approaches to its logistical, financial and other resource support. The document is a logical continuation of a similar concept, designed for the period up to 2020,and is aimed at improving the current format of cooperation in the military field, expanding and deepening multilateral cooperation in the medium term.

The second document for expert discussion will be a draft Decision on the main directions of development of the joint system for monitoring and evaluating the radiation, chemical and biological situation of the ministries of defense of the Commonwealth States until 2025. This is one of the landmark documents on the implementation of the defense policy of the CIS countries, which was developed by the Coordinating Committee of the chiefs of the radiation, chemical and biological protection (chemical protection) of the ministries of defense.

It is planned that after the final approval of the experts, both documents will be submitted to the meetings of the Supreme bodies of the CIS.