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For 2020, EPAM's revenue was $ 2.66 billion

According to the results of last year, the Belarusian IT company EPAM got revenues of $ 2.66 billion, reports Onliner.

The company recently released a report for the fourth quarter of last year and for 2020 itself as a whole. For both periods, revenue has grown significantly.

Compared to the same period in 2019, EPAM's fourth-quarter revenue grew 14.3% to $ 732.5 million. And the total revenue of the company for the entire last year amounted to $ 2.66 billion. This is 15.9% more compared to 2019.

As of December 31, 2020, EPAM employs 41.2 thousand people, of whom 36,700 are production specialists (12.8% more than in 2019).

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