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For half an hour to the airport from the city centre of Minsk. A separate railway line will be built for aeroexpress

According to, a separate railway line is being designed for Aeroexpress. To do this, it is necessary to reconstruct the exit from Minsk, build a third way and a new branch line from the Gorodishche station to the National airport (this is about 18 kilometers), Minister of transport and communications Alexey Avramenko said.

— We are currently actively engaged in designing an aeroexpress train to the national airport. This is a very large project that we should start in the near future. Today, pre-project and project work is underway.

In addition, it is planned to approve the concept of development of the National airport in the near future. They should decide what the new terminal will be like and start pre-investment work on the issue.

The need to build a new terminal is associated with the growing passenger traffic of the airport.