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Free excursions around Minsk

From the 27th of July till the 2nd of August, free excursions will be held in the cities of Belarus #карантинтрэвел_by, reports.

During this week, free excursions will be organized in Minsk and other large cities of Belarus. This will be the fourth round of such excursions.

The organizers have developed 16 original routes to memorable places and sights of Belarus. Also, quests and walking routes have been prepared for participants in excursions and city residents. At the end of the excursion, anyone can make donations to support their favourite guides.

Excursions around Minsk will take place throughout the week, as well as:

July 30 - Zaslavl

August 2 - Logoisk

August 2 - Bobruisk

August 2 - Minsk region

The fourth round of excursions is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus.

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