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“Great Stone” has already collected more than 520 million dollars of investment

Investments in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial Park "Great Stone" during the implementation of the project exceeded 520 million dollars, reports

"In total, from the beginning of the project to December 2019, 526.4 million dollars were invested in it. The share of budget expenditures was 4.5%, or 24.5 million dollars. These funds were used to build a public highway, fire station, communication network and gas supply to the borders of the Park. At the same time, budget revenues from activities in the Park (including contractors) amounted to more than $ 40 million," according to the first Deputy General Director of the company for the development of the industrial Park Kirill Koroteev.

Summing up the results of 2019, Kirill Koroteev noted that the construction of the main infrastructure facilities of the first stage (on an area of 851 hectares) has been completed.

"This year we will already start the second stage of development of the Park on a total area of 860 hectares," he said. - The focus will be on creating infrastructure for a multi-modal logistics terminal. At the beginning of the year, it is planned to register a joint company-the operator of the future terminal. It is expected that its construction will begin in the middle of 2020."

The family of residents of the Park has increased by 2.6 times compared to the beginning of 2018. "Today, 60 residents from 15 countries, including 33 from China, 15 - with the participation of companies from Austria, Germany, Israel, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, the United States, Switzerland and Estonia, 12 - initiated by Belarusian companies", - said Kirill Koroteev. By the end of 2020, he said, at least 80 residents with a reported investment of $ 1.5 billion will be registered in the Park. It is expected that 30 residents will start economic activities. The number of employees of the Park's enterprises will be 3 thousand.