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Hi-Tech Park is preparing a bill on IT work in Belarus

Residents of the HTP received a letter from the Park administration, writes. It follows from the letter that the Park is preparing a project to change working conditions for IT companies. The ideas have already been submitted to the Government. 

The draft of the new bill includes the following changes, which will be applied to the resident companies of the Park:

  • deferral from conscription for employees;
  • moratorium on all inspections and criminal cases;
  • income tax reduction to 9%;
  • moratorium on the deterioration of the current legislation on HTP, including on foreign exchange earnings;
  • state assistance to companies on foreign trade payments;
  • permission to use cryptocurrency;
  • permission to deposit cash into company accounts without proof of origin;
  • permission to work remotely in other countries.

Perhaps some of the proposals will be included in the regulations concerning the whole country.

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