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How do restaurants work now?

In connection with the protests throughout the city, Minsk restaurants and cafes began to close ahead of time, reports

Many restaurants and cafes chose to close on August 9 (election Day), work was suspended by BarDuck, Tea drinker, Vinie Jones. As explained by the management, they let employees vote and Express their civic position. Also, a number of coffee shops announced a reduced working day.

However, even now restaurants continue to operate intermittently. Starting from 17.00, most of the establishments in the center of Minsk begin to close. It is at this time that the streets are filled with riot police and police, as well as protesters come out. Restaurants on Nemiga and along Nezavisimosti, Pobediteley, Pushkin and Dzerzhinsky avenues are closing. Also, the Galleria shopping center closes early (around 20.00).

In the near future, the schedule of restaurants and cafes will depend on the situation in the city.

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