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How is the construction of third Minsk metro line going?

Now they are extending the section of the third metro line towards the Slutsk direction, the Minsk-News agency writes. Then three stations with distillation tunnels, an electric depot and an exit to it will be built. On this metro line after already functionating Kaval’skaja Slabada station, Aeradromnaja and  Niemarshanski Sad stations follow. After them – Slucki Hascinec station will become the final one.

In 2022, it is planned to start preparing the territories for the extension of the third line towards Zialiony Luh. The work will be carried out on Bangalore Square. In the future, four stations will be built there. In the longer term, design work and calculations are being carried out on the fourth metro line, which will be circular to connect the transfer stations.

A map of the Minsk metro with opened functionating stations and stations under construction is here.

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