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Минский полумарафон

How many people will come to the Minsk half marathon?

On the 13th of September, 2020 the annual half marathon will take place in Minsk. How many people have already applied for participation, reports

Minsk half marathon will take place, despite the pandemic. Coronavirus did not affect the desire of people to take part in the race. At the moment, the organizers expect about 40 thousand participants.

This year, the prize for the fastest participants in the half marathon will be $60 thousand from the prize fund of Bank Dabrabyt.

The participants are offered three routes to choose from: 5.5 km, 10.55 km and 21.1 km. Most runners choose the shortest route, but experienced and famous athletes will go 21.1 km. The first six places will be prize-winning at distances of 10.55 km and 21.1 km.

The cost of participation in the Minsk half marathon will be from 15 rubles. Students, pupils, pensioners, people with disabilities and liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant participate in the 5.5 km race for free.

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