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How much will energy cost at BelNPP?

In the near future, the BelNPP will begin its work, decided to find out how the launch of the nuclear power plant will affect the cost of energy and the energy industry as a whole.

At the beginning of the month there were rumors that the launch of the BelNPP would increase the cost of electricity by 1.5-2 times. However, a representative of the Belarusian Thermal Power Engineering Institute says that the proposal to launch the Belarusian NPP was the most optimal and economically profitable for the country. Despite the fact that the cost of electricity production will increase, tariffs for it will keep the same. However, the most expensive in terms of power generation costs are condensing power plants (CPS).

The main advantage of a nuclear power plant is that its power units are able to quickly gain and decrease power, in contrast to coal-fired power plants, whose power units are less flexible. In general, the launch of the BelNPP will lead to the fact that the issue of the inefficiency of individual stations will be resolved.

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