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How will mobile operators and providers deal with the Internet issue?

For two days, residents of Belarus were left without the Internet due to protests in the streets. How Internet providers and mobile operators will compensate these days, informs.

The Belarusian provider Beltelecom announced that it would recalculate. However, the details of the recalculation (time and mechanism) are not yet known.

At the same time, the mobile operator A1 announced that it will adjust the subscriber's fee based on the tariff plan. The subscription fee will be reduced not only for mobile Internet users, but also for home TV and Internet customers. The days from 9 to 11 August 2020 will be taken into account. The recalculation will be carried out for both individuals and legal entities.

The full list of compensations for A1 users can be found on the official website.

All subscribers will receive notifications about the recalculation of the subscription fee.

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