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How will the second wave of coronavirus in Belarus go?

The ex-head of the Ministry of Health told how the second wave of coronavirus will take place in Belarus and what the Ministry of Health is preparing for, reports.

Over the past day, 198 new cases of COVID-19 infection have been identified in Belarus, 6 people have died. A total of 74,173 patients were registered with a positive coronavirus test result.

Nevertheless, Belarus expects that the second wave will not be as large-scale as the first one. The category of people who had a tendency to contract the coronavirus have already had the infection, according to the Ministry of Health. Thus, an immune layer has formed in Belarus.

The Ministry of Health also draws attention to the fact that Belarus has chosen the right tactics in the fight against coronavirus, since quarantine has proved to be ineffective in most countries. In addition, the World Health Organization highlights the experience of Sweden, which also refused to introduce quarantine, as successful and rational.

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