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HTP companies will not receive tax benefits in 2023

According to the draft amendments to the Tax Code, the increased rate of 13% for residents of the Hi-Tech Park will be valid until January 2025, reported. However, it is possible that residents of the Great Stone Park will pay 9% taxes.

The Deputy Minister of Taxes and Duties of Belarus confirmed the income tax rate of 13% for residents of the HTP and the Chinese-Belarusian Great Stone Park will stay in force for 2023.

However, the draft amendments to the Tax Code mention the 13% rate only for HTP residents. If the amendments are adopted without mentioning the Great Stone, then residents of the Chinese-Belarusian park will pay 9% tax instead of 13% from January 1, 2023.

The preferential income tax rate of 9% for HTP and Great Stone residents was raised to 13% on January 1, 2021 "to compensate for expenses due to COVID-19".

At the end of November, the HTP hosted the Startup Heart competition.

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