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In 2021, BYN3.7 billion was invested in Brest region

In 2021, more than BYN3.7 billion (approximately $ 1.2 billion) was allocated to the fixed capital of the Brest region. This is the largest investment among regions of Belarus, BELTA writes.

Relative to 2020, investments increased by 5.4%. The trend of investment growth in the active part of fixed assets has become stable. In 2016, 26.6% of the volume of investments in fixed assets was directed, in 2021— more than 40%.

The growth of investments was facilitated by the implementation of the largest project for the construction of a peak reserve source at the Berezovskaya regional power station, as well as the modernization of the production of hard cheeses, the organization of furniture production, the construction of an agricultural complex for the cultivation of mushrooms.

In 2022, it is planned to raise up to BYN4.3 billion, of which more than 40% should be directed to the modernization of real economy. It is planned to carry out 132 investment projects with a total value of more than BYN3.6 billion.

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