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In 2021 the export of Belarusian medical services increased by 20%

Despite the pandemic of COVID-19, Belarus managed to exceed the plan for the export of medical services, BELTA writes.

In 2021, exports in the healthcare sector exceeded $40 million. This is 20% more than in 2020 year. The biggest growth of export was in such areas as cardiac surgery, oncology, and dentistry. Among the countries where the number exported servics has grown the most are Italy, Germany, and Poland.

Thanks to the growth of exports, the Ministry of Health managed to improve its material and technical base. In 2021, a new building was opened in the MSTH of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology. A cardiac surgery center was also opened in Mogilev, where a heart transplant surgery was performed for the first time in the region.

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