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In Belarus, cameras began to record the average speed

The system for monitoring the average speed of traffic has started working on the roads of the Minsk region and will be connected throughout Belarus within a week, the Minsk-News agency writes with a link to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The average speed is defined as the ratio of the distance traveled to the time of its overcoming, recorded by the devices at the beginning and end of the controlled section. The equipment used for this purpose has passed certification and verification.

The average speed calculation devices have already begun to record the first violations on the M1 Brest — Minsk — border of the Russian Federation highway. All places for the installation of cameras were determined taking into account the foci of concentration of accidents due to exceeding speed limits.

Data on offenses are received by the Department of ensuring the functioning of the systems of automatic recording of offenses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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