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In Belarus, from January 1, the tax rates for renting apartments will change

In Belarus, the income tax rate on the delivery of residential and non-residential premises will increase from January reports.

Starting from January 1, 2022, it is planned to change the personal income tax rates in fixed amounts. Tax rates are increased by the projected inflation rate for 2022.

Now the landlord will have to pay 36.8 Belarusian rubles for renting a 1-room apartment in Minsk (and for each rented room, cottages, garden houses). Previously, this amount was 34.3 rubles.

When receiving income from renting out residential or non-residential premises, it is recommended to pay the tax for January 2022 in advance at the new rates no later than January 3, 2022.

Information on the amounts of tax payable for 2022 and other details can be found in the Unified Settlement and Information Space (ERIP).

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