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Instead of a hotel in the area of Yakub Kolas square a multifunctional center will be built

Instead of a five-star hotel, a multifunctional center will appear on the site of the former polygraph plant complex on Kolas square, reports

In 2013, an agreement was signed between the Minsk city Executive Committee and a Turkish investor who planned to reconstruct the building on Krasnaya street 23. But the project was never implemented.

Currently, the head of state has agreed to change the functional purpose of the object. The hotel will not be here, the customer is allowed to build a multifunctional center. At the same time, the historical appearance of the building on 23 Krasnaya street should be preserved.

According to the construction and investment Committee of the Minsk city Executive Committee, it is expected that a Belarusian contractor will be involved in the implementation of the plan, and work will begin in 2020.