Interactive map of Belarus
Soon, the first interactive map of Belarus for tourists will be published online, reports The map was developed by the Acrobat travel team.
The website with an interactive map is intended for tourists who want to get acquainted with Belarus and find the most interesting and unusual places to travel. The map shows all the most significant sights, as well as various places of recreation for travellers.
The purpose of the website is to attract the flow of tourists to the country, as well as popularize tourism within the country. Acrobat travel team aims at demonstrating the rich natural and cultural heritage of Belarus, which will be interesting for both Belarusians and foreign citizens.
The map consists of several layers, each of which is dedicated to its thematic section. In order to use the map, you need to select the layer you are interested in, and then clicking on the icons on the map to study the information about places.
The map is available for free anywhere in the world.
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