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International sports events in Belarus in 2024

Many important international sports competitions are planned to be held in Belarus in 2024, as Yevgeny Zalessky, head of the Main Department of Planning and Organizational Work of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, told BelTA.

Among them, such events as the XXVIII International Sambo Tournament for the prizes of the President, the Belneftekhim Women's Cup freestyle wrestling competitions, the stages of the Lednev Cup in modern pentathlon, the "Friendship Cup" in karate, the Vladimir Ryzhenkov International basketball tournament, the match meeting of the Union State in athletics, the volleyball cup in memory of Peter Kovalev and others.

Zalessky also stressed that Belarus is ready to host such events at the highest level, which is confirmed by the successful holding of a number of major events, including the Ice Hockey World Cup and the II European Games.

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